Spring 2023


Highlighting: NEA Supported ArtLink Connects

Kenya & USA

The project features the facilitation of an ArtLink exchange with live videoconferencing between deaf and hard-of-hearing high school students at the Machakos School for the Deaf in Kenya and the American School for the Deaf in CT. This brief video captures the first meeting between the students and highlights one student’s story.

This National Endowment of the Arts (NEA) funded project brings together Creative Connections with cARTie, a local non-profit that operates a “museum bus”. In 2023-24, selections of the student art created in this program will be displayed on their bus visiting thousands of elementary students attending underserved schools in CT.

The project’s aim is to deliver cross-cultural, global understanding to both the ArtLink participants and school audiences, together with an awareness of the unlimited creativity of individuals with disabilities.


Growing: Strategic Planning in Action!

Last month, the CC Board and staff held an all day planning retreat at The Unquowa School to explore where we should be heading over the coming years.  

In the words of Founder & President, Alan Steckler

“We are excited to be planning for our future! We are focusing as a team, the staff and Board of Directors, with the help of experts from Sheer Strategy to review, dream, and plan for the growth and expansion of our work.”

And from Matt & Maddy Schiering of Sheer Strategy

“Creative Connections already has the wisdom needed to plan and grow.

Outside facilitation is helping  draw out that wisdom while preserving objectivity, inspiring  participation and fostering CC’s growth into the future.”

Stay tuned for new initiatives that result from this planning.


Celebrating Lynn Straus

Thoughts from Alan:

“Lynn and her family have been close friends of my family for many years.

While I was greatly saddened to hear of her recent passing, my overall feeling is one of immense gratitude. Lynn was a wonderful supporter of our work at Creative Connections since our founding over 30 years ago. Her generous underwriting support of our ArtLink programs allowed tens of thousands of children here and in Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin American to share their culture, values, and environmental concerns with one another though art and live videoconferencing.

Lynn’s consul and advice for improving our programming was, in a word, invaluable…”


Ugandan Performance Workshop

A collaborative virtual artist-in-residency program

Sponsored by the HOT (Higher Order Thinking) School* network in CT, Tender Talents’ Frank Katoola and his Ugandan students worked together over five two-hour sessions with Ashford School in CT to explore storytelling through music, dance, singing, and drumming.

The 7000 miles separating the storytelling student participants melted away in this wonderful spirited connection.

“Thanks to Creative Connections, Higher Order Thinking Schools were able to amplify arts integrated teaching and learning across the world.”

-Christopher Eaves, Director, Higher Order Thinking (HOT) Schools

*HOT Schools are a whole-school, deep impact, teaching and learning program that embraces the arts to enrich school culture, and improve student engagement…”


Showcasing: "Extraordinary"

Explore this years ArtLink theme ‘Extraordinary’ with our 2023 International Art Portfolio (IAP). This portfolio showcases a thought-provoking sampling of thousands of art pieces by young artists in 14 countries.

Available in English, Spanish, and Mandarin Chinese.


Giving: The David & Susie Hurwitt Scholarship Fund

Over the past year, The David & Susie Hurwitt Scholarship Fund has enabled underserved students in the USA and around the world to engage in arts-based exchanges that foster global understanding and empathy.

David was Creative Connections’ long-term Board Chairman while Susie was one of Creative Connections’ greatest champions and supporters. We loved working with them.

To carry on their legacy of supporting meaningful connections that both broaden and deepen global perspectives, we are honored to establish The David and Susie Hurwitt Scholarship Fund.

To contribute to this scholarship fund, please visit the webpage by clicking on the Learn More button above or use the ‘Give Today’ button below.

We sincerely thank you!



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