Make a Difference
Make a Difference
Creative Connections is a small organization but we do mighty things. We partner with classrooms in the USA and over 25 countries across six continents, engaging over 10,000 students each year.
Donor support makes this kind of ambitious global learning possible.
Every contribution, every individual, matters – just as every student, in every classroom, matters and deserves to learn and engage in the world.
Your tax-deductible gift supports:
- Program underwriting for underserved classrooms and schools
- Developing programs, including our new innovative environmental curriculum
- Online platform for ArtLink students both in school and at home
We are committed to keeping our programs affordable for schools. Your investment helps to deliver essential, multi-month, interactive and interdisciplinary learning experiences that make a lasting educational impact.
Annual Appeal
Sponsor a Class
The Susie Salomon Visionary Award
This award will be given to one of our educators who has made extraordinary efforts to bring global understanding to their students and community along with their overseas partners, providing leadership, inspiration, and vision.
The David & Susie Hurwitt Scholarship Fund
Enabling underserved students in the USA and around the world to engage in arts-based exchanges that foster global understanding and empathy
Lynn Straus Tribute
Tribute to Creative Connections' beloved friend, important advisor and steadfast supporter
Planned Giving
Planned Gifts make an impact on children and our world beyond a donor’s lifetime and can create a powerful legacy in their name.
Contact Polly Loughran for more information.
Other Ways to Help
Other Ways to Help
Interested in donating your time to a worthy cause? We will take and appreciate the help.
Interested in helping Creative Connections in the form of securities?
Email or call (203) 803-4376 for instructions on stock transfers.
"Thank You" to Our Sponsors
"Thank You" to Our Sponsors
- Aequitas Advisors, LLC
- Aquarion Water Company
- Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD)/ Connecticut Office of the Arts
- Cornelia T. Bailey Foundation
- Fairfield County Bank
- GE Capital
- Jonathan Plutzik & Lesley Goldwasser and the Betsy Hotel Family
- Herman Auerbach Memorial Fund
- Morris S. & Florence H. Bender Foundation
- National Endowment for the Arts
- Philip and Lynn Straus Foundation
- Steckler Family Foundation
- United States –Japan Foundation
- World Learning