How do children around the world celebrate summer?
Artist Description: “I love going to the beach. I go to Cape Cod each summer. I chose to draw a picture of me fishing, because it is one of my favorite things to do. My brother, my dad, and I always enjoy going out for a day of fishing. We like fishing at
Cape Cod, because we are able to catch big striped bass.”
Artist description: “It is a summer day and the sun is shining. A young woman is dancing. Two men are playing the Kazakh instruments. I chose this scene because I like to study the culture of Kazakh folk.”
Artist description: “I have chosen the favorite Latvian tradition – Midsummer Night Celebration. We sit around the fire, sing songs, eat Latvian national food. I am with my best friends. This is my favorite holiday. It is summer – my best season, school is over, I am free.”
Artist description: “In this scene I’m going to play in the garden to fly my kite. It’s a pleasure for us to be able to spend leisure time with friends.”
Artist description:
“It’s my family one common day at the beach. It’s everybody’s custom to be on the beach everyday they can in summer. I chose this tradition because Cyprus is a small island with nice beaches and we all spend most of the summer time there.”
Artist description: “I am eating watermelon on the lotus leaf. In the summer of China, rural children will wear cool clothing and sit in a cool place to eat watermelon. The value I am depicting is that childhood should be cherished. It is the most innocent, very happy and unforgettable.”