The Power of Interaction

Artist: Rena
Age: 11
Lady Andal Venkata Subbarao School
Country: India

The Power of Interaction

Artist: Rena
Age: 11
Lady Andal Venkata Subbarao School
Country: India

About the Artwork

“In my scene there are two people, who are into a conversation. One person is talking to the other, but the other person is not able to speak , because his ability is to speak is not enough. This is shown by a dark portion on his mouth.

I chose this scene , because my topic is clearly described by this scene, and there are many people who can’t speak out there problems and feeling freely.”

“There are four members in my family: my father, mother, elder brother and me.

I like to swim, to interact with people and make friends.

I usually spend my time by swimming and making something really creative.

I want to be a journalist.”

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