The Muslim

Artist: Adam
Age: 15
Curie High School
City: Chicago
Country: USA

The Muslim

Artist: Adam
Age: 15
Curie High School
City: Chicago
Country: USA

About the Artwork

Medium: Watercolor

The gentleman is performing an Islamic act of “Wadu.” This is a daily act of perpetration prior to your daily five prayers as a Muslim. It is a custom to have a pair of slippers to keep your feet off the dirty floor. The value of cleanliness is expressing how water may make a Muslim clean enough to be within the arms of Allah. As a Muslim, I perform these steps to pray.

Water is used to wash a man before he prays at the Mosque.

My family of four performs these steps. We live in a Chicago home with no pets. I enjoy attending and playing sports. I like to eat, listen to music and do homework. I dislike mustard, pickles, and relish. I want to be drafted by the NFL by my senior year of college.

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