The Glorious Sunrise

Artist: Valentina
Age: 10

Country: Cyprus

The Glorious Sunrise

Artist: Valentina
Age: 10

Country: Cyprus

About the Artwork

Medium: Collage/Oil Pastels

I am by the sea enjoying the colorful sunrise of Cyprus. I am calm hearing the waves of the sea and the sounds of the birds. The water of the sea in Cyprus is beautiful, clear, and warm.

A girl is looking at the sea while the sun is rising.

I live with my mom Natia and my dad Geert. I have no siblings.I like to play tennis, use the computer, meet my friends, play sports, draw and color during my free time.I don’t like geography, table games, or physics.I don’t know yet what I want to be when I grow up, but I wish for the world peace and harmony.

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