Our Environment and My Culture

Artist: HG Uvindya
Medium: Watercolor
Age: 16
Sri Lanka

Our Environment and My Culture

Artist: HG Uvindya
Medium: Watercolor
Age: 16
Sri Lanka

About the Artwork

In my piece, people in traditional clothes are planting and watering trees, fetching water, and feeding small animals. I’m illustrating an opportunity for children and adults to work together to enhance the beauty of their environment. People should love their culture as well as their environment. We can take action to enhance the beauty of the beautiful environment within everything we do. We can also avoid releasing unwanted waste, factory waste, and other pollutants into the environment.

Environment, Culture, Agriculture and Nature

Mom, Dad, and I are the only ones in our family. We have a very happy time. I like to plant different types of plants, collect stamps, and go for walks in beautiful places. I like to do my work in the time I get, I do not like to waste any time unnecessarily. My only hope is to have a good time, get a good education, and move on. My goal is to be a good artist.

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