My Neighborhood

Artist: Ivanna
Age: 8
Multicultural Magnet School
City: Bridgeport
Country: USA

My Neighborhood

Artist: Ivanna
Age: 8
Multicultural Magnet School
City: Bridgeport
Country: USA

About the Artwork


I am looking out of my house window at my neighborhood. I see kids playing on the slide and monkey bars. A girl has a green jump rope. Two people are waiting at the bus stop. The car in front on the bus has an American flag. An airplane is flying over in the sunny sky. I chose this scene because I live in a city and in the summer when I look out the window I see all of these things.

I live with my mom and dad. I have two older brothers, Eduardo and Jorge. I also have a younger sister Ivianna. I like the Jonas Brothers. I also like to eat, play Nintendo DS and play on the computer. I dislike Halloween, reading and vegetables. I spend my free time playing video games. I hope to be a teacher and my name will be Miss Morales.

House window

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