My First Orchestra

Artist: Sandhya
Medium: Crayons, Markers, Watercolors
Age: 9
Western CT Academy for International Studies
City: Danbury
Country: USA

My First Orchestra

Artist: Sandhya
Medium: Crayons, Markers, Watercolors
Age: 9
Western CT Academy for International Studies
City: Danbury
Country: USA

About the Artwork

We are rehearsing in the Visual Performing Arts Center for our concert. I am sitting on a chair with my violin. Mr. Lebetkin just holds two sticks, used for conducting. When it’s performance time the director will announce our concert, then we enter the stadium and play. The highlight I am illustrating is my first concert. Back then, I had never played in an orchestra. I am so grateful that I had this opportunity.

In my family is my sister Shreya, mother Harini and father Swamy. In my spare time I practice violin, type stories, play chess, go out with my friends, and play games on the computer. I like: sweets, snacks, stuffed animals and real animals. I dislike: garbage, wild animals, spiders, fast food and meat. My ambition is to become a chess Grand Master, earn top scores in the Spelling Bee and have top grades. I want to be a violinist and surgeon when I grow up.

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