
Artist: Shannon
Age: 15
Francis Parker School
City: San Diego
Country: USA


Artist: Shannon
Age: 15
Francis Parker School
City: San Diego
Country: USA

About the Artwork

Medium: watercolor

Two obviously brainwashed people, now turned into mindless droids, are watching television. They are so brainwashed and are unable to see that what they are getting their information from (media, news, etc..), is all lies. I chose this because the majority of people these days like to pump their head with stupid televised junk, and I find it pretty disgusting.

I have one older sister and two doctor parents. I am a big fan of music (David Bowie and AC/DC). I hate hate HATE booty rap though. I spend my time daydreaming, doing artsy things and playing guitar. I hope to become a rock and roll star…YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! (or an animator).


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