Ice Cream Shop

Artist: Samuel
Age: 9
Jacksonville Heights Elementary
City: Jacksonville
Country: USA

Ice Cream Shop

Artist: Samuel
Age: 9
Jacksonville Heights Elementary
City: Jacksonville
Country: USA

About the Artwork

My Dad, Mom, and Uncle dropped me off at the ice cream shop because I got good grades on my report cards. I got chocolate chip cookie with chocolate syrup. I am showing the value of family and how important it is that my parents care about me.

I have my mom and dad and eight sisters and one brother. I’m the fourth oldest. I play video games in my free time. I love to help people and teach people, so I want to become a doctor or teacher. Our amazing teachers teach us amazing things to do to preserve the environment.

Medium: crayon
Source of Light: Lights in the shop; the sun – if there was no sun it would be dark

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