Hunting - Cazando

Artist: Nathaniel
Medium: Colored pencil
Age: 13
Callahan Middle School
City: Callahan
Country: USA

Hunting - Cazando

Artist: Nathaniel
Medium: Colored pencil
Age: 13
Callahan Middle School
City: Callahan
Country: USA

About the Artwork

My dad and I were hunting and my dad had his rifle. We were wearing camouflage in the woods and we spotted a deer. Hunting is important to me because my dad hunted with my brother and now I’m old enough, so he is teaching me. It is a family tradition.-Mi papá y yo cazando en el monte. Estamos con mi tía. Usamos el rifle de mi papá y estamos usando camuflaje, vemos en ese instante un venado. Estoy mostrando la importancia de cazar para mi familia, mi padre nos enseña esta tradición familiar a mi hermano y a mí.

Featured: The moment I am sharing is my idea about desert life and culture.

I live with my mom, dad, brother, and sister. My sister is in college. In my free time I like to play video games. I play football or basketball with my brother and sister. I like pizza, meat and fruit. I dislike cake. I also like jaguars and swimming. To preserve the environment I pick up litter and if I can, I recycle it at home. When I grow up, I want to be in the Air Force and then leave the military after 4 years to become a cop.-Tengo un hermano y una hermana que va a la universidad en Texas. Vivo con mis padres. Me gusta jugar video juegos, fútbol o baloncesto con mis hermanos. Me gusta la pizza, los jaguares, la carne y las frutas. No me gusta correr ni los pasteles. Para ayudar al medio ambiente yo reciclo y recojo la basura. Cuando grande deseo ir a la fuerza aérea y permanecer allí por 4 años. Después quiero ser un policía.

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