Harmony Of Nature

Artist: Mave
Medium: Watercolor
Age: 12

Harmony Of Nature

Artist: Mave
Medium: Watercolor
Age: 12

About the Artwork

My painting represents harmony in nature. The relationship between animals and plants. The meaning of the painting is that if people take care of nature, then of course there will be harmony. My piece illustrates the symbiotic nature of a deer being one with the environment having antlers made of tree branches. We see a beautiful deer and in order for it to remain that magnificent, we need to take care of nature and our environment.

Nature, Conservation, Animals and Harmony.

My family is not large. There is only my parents, sister and I. In my free time I like to paint or sculpt with clay. I also love to play with my sister and dog. I like to participate in competitions and win and I like to get together with my family during the holidays. I dislike mean and angry people. I’m not sure what I want to be when I grow up but I am developing in the field of an artist.

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