In my piece is my father and I on a boat out at sea. We are in a spot were the sea is polluted on one side and the other side is lush with marine animals. We are both fishing and I’m having no luck because I’m on the side with trash and pollution but my dad is catching all the fish on the clean side. I am Illustrating my dad and I spending time together doing something we enjoy. This value is important to me because spending time with family makes me happy and grateful for having great relatives. We can preserve our environment by stop littering and putting the trash where it’s supposed to be and stop using harmful chemicals that can harm the environment.
Preservation, Family and Enjoying Nature.
My family consists of my mom, dad and sister. I have a super awesome dog who we all love. In my free time, I like to play video games with my friends or have a friendly game of football outside. I like playing with my dog but sometimes she gets carried away and nips me. When I grow up I want to be a professional athlete. My favorite sport is basketball.