My moment shows me and my brother Joey making S’mores. They are roasted marshmallows and melted chocolate between graham crackers. What I also represent is the importance of family because everybody should think their family is important. Estoy haciendo S´mores con mi hermano Joey. Son malvaviscos derretidos con chocolate y galletas. Represento También El amor por la familia
Featured: The moment I am sharing is my idea about desert life and culture.
My family loves each other, camping together, and our dog Bella. I like to read, play with my dog Bella, and bake cakes and cupcakes. I like tacos, animals, drawing, and playing the flute. I dislike waking up early. In the future, I want to work with dogs or be a teacher. To help the environment, I pick up the litter with my girl scout team. Nos queremos mucho, vamos de campamento juntos, y queremos a nuestra perra Bella.Leo, juego con mi perra, y cocino pasteles Me gustan los tacos, dibujar, y tocar la flauta. No me gusta levantarme temprano. En el futuro, Trabajar con perros o ser maestro Para ayudar al medio ambiente, Recojo la basura con mi grupo de amigas