Apple Picking - Recogiendo manzanas

Artist: Eadaan
Age: 10
Glenville Elementary School
City: Greenwich
Country: USA

Apple Picking - Recogiendo manzanas

Artist: Eadaan
Age: 10
Glenville Elementary School
City: Greenwich
Country: USA

About the Artwork

This picture shows my sister and I running to the biggest tree that has apples on it. We do this once a year and it is with my family.

Featured food(s) Pumpkins in the back, kettle corn, fresh farm honey, lots of apples

My family is always there for me. In my free time, I like to dance and go out with my friends. I like to go outside and I do not like to do homework. When I grow up, I want to be a teacher. I like to plant gardens and trees, and that helps the environment.


En esta pieza de arte estámos mi hermana y yo. Estamos corriendo a un árbol grande con manzanas para recogerlas. Hacer esto una vez al año con mi familia es importante.

Featured food(s) Hay calabazas y en la parte de atrás, mazorcas, miel de abejas fresca y muchas frutas y manzanas.

Mi familia casi simpre están conmigo. Me gusta bailar y estar con mis amigos. Me gusta salir y no me gusta la tarea. Cuando crezca quiero ser un maestro. Para ayudar al medio ambiente, me gusta sembrar jardines y árboles.

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