My scene shows the beautiful Mopan River. There are fish, palm trees and other trees, and many people are working and carrying firewood to their houses. Other people are fishing. I am depicting the value of effort. It is important because work makes money to help our families.
My dad is a construction worker and my mom takes care of me and my four little siblings. We are loving and Christian. I want to be a priest so I can preach the word of God and help many people. To save the environment I do not burn tires or throw dead animals in the river. I clean and water the plants at school.
Medium: Acrylic paint
Source of Light: Sun reflecting on river
En mi bello rio Mopán, hay peces, árboles, palos de coco, y mucha gente trabajando, algunos trayendo leña para sus casas y otros pescando.
Somos una familia amorosa y cristiana, mi papá se dedica a la albañilería, y mi mamá nos cuida, tengo cuatro hermanos y nos ayudamos mutuamente. Cuando crezca quiero ser pastor para predicar la palabra de Dios. No quemo llantas, no tiro animales muertos al río para evitar la contaminación y ayudo con la limpieza en mi escuela
Medium: Pintura acrílica
Source of Light: El reflejo del sol