A Day at the Grave - Un Día en la Tumba

Artist: Lael
Medium: Watercolors, crayon
Age: 11
Barnum School
City: Bridgeport
Country: USA

A Day at the Grave - Un Día en la Tumba

Artist: Lael
Medium: Watercolors, crayon
Age: 11
Barnum School
City: Bridgeport
Country: USA

About the Artwork


We go to the graveyard every year to thank those who served in the Army. The value I am showing in this picture is respect. This is important because soldiers risk their lives.-Siempre vamos a visitar a las tumbas para agradecer aquellos que sirven en el ejército. El valor del respeto a los soldados que arriesgan su vida por todos.

Featured: The moment I am sharing is my idea about desert life and culture.

My sister is nice and mean sometimes. My mom is nice. She works in a restaurant. My dad works at Shoprite. In my free time I like to play soccer and talk to my friends. My likes are Dominos food and Chinese food. My dislikes are school lunches. I help the environment by not littering and picking up garbage. My goal is to help those in need. When I grow up I want to be a police officer.-Mi hermana es buena y necia, mi mamá es buena y trabaja en un restaurante y mi papá en shoprite. Me gusta jugar fútbol y llamar a mis amigos. Me gusta la comida china y no me gusta el almuerzo de la escuela. Para ayudar al medio ambiente no contamino y recogiendo basura. Cuando grande deseo ayudar a las personas y quiero ser policia.

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