2015 - Picture the Moment

ArtLink 2014-2015 Theme Assignment: 

In this age of Instagram, Snapchat and selfies, countless photos are taken and downloaded 24/7. Everyone seems to love to visually document the details of their lives. We challenged our students to leave technology behind and take out their art supplies.

In their artwork, the students had to thoughtfully capture a specific moment to share. A moment that might include their families, classmates, friends or community members taking part in an activity that reveals a meaningful cultural value.

To view the artwork please scroll down and select a country.

Art Partners of the Year

International Partners of the Year: Amir Hasan Prep G.S., Amman, Jordan
Coordinator: Rania Ammari of INJAZ

This collection of work includes a variety of colorful and thoughtful pieces taking the viewer into their homes, schools and communities including a wedding procession, harvesting, Petra (the Rose City), Bedouin life and Friday prayers.

US Partner of the Year: Middlebrook School, Wilton, CT
Art Teacher: Susan LaBarbera

Middlebrook School artists expressed pride in their school and in sports including swimming and horseback riding, community service, social occasions with friends, travel and working with classmates in the art club.

Both classes created insightful art pieces illustrating such values as love of family, traditions, competition, celebrations, and religion.

Participating Countries

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