International Art Portfolio

A showcase of art pieces from students around the world

2024 International Art Portfolio

This year’s theme: My Story.

Stories are an effective way to share meaningful events that are entertaining, easily remembered or even empowering.

We challenged Global Voices ArtLink Students to conceive and create pieces of art to share with their international peers, that illustrated the story they wanted to tell – ones that they, their community, or their society experienced.

Wherever and whenever it took place, whether fun or serious, we asked each artist to consider what their story choice said about them and what they value.

This portfolio showcases a thought-provoking sampling of the art pieces created by young artists from 13 countries this year. We hope you will enjoy their creativity and insights – and be inspired to think about the story you would like to tell.


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Mandarin Chinese

Previous IAPs

Our daily lives are often a series of routines. However, occasionally something out of the ordinary happens that stands out to us as especially memorable.

This year, we asked ArtLink students to create pieces of art illustrating something “Extraordinary” that they experienced in their lives and culture, whether large or small, to exchange with their international peers.

This portfolio showcases a thought-provoking sampling of thousands of art pieces by young artists in 14 countries.

English, Spanish and Mandarin Chinese versions are available.

This year we asked ArtLink students to create pieces of art to exchange with their international peers that captured the interrelationship between their natural surroundings and their own daily lives.

This portfolio showcases a thought-provoking sampling of the many hundreds of art pieces created by young artists from 18 countries. We hope you will enjoy their creativity and insights.

English and Spanish versions are available.

This year’s theme: “Balance, Year 2 of Our Environment, My Culture”

Balance means to bring into harmony. To find stability. This collection of student artwork is reflective of this year’s theme.

The portfolio includes one piece of art from many of the countries participating in this year’s ArtLink program. It reveals a variety of cultural experiences and values that fellow ArtLink students wished to share about how their way of life is affected by their environment and their ideas for caring about the environment.

View the portfolio here.

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