Harvesting Coffee - Cortando Café

Artist:  Karlyn
Medium: Marker – Marcador
Age: 17
Instituto Nacional Diversificado INED
City: San Jose

Harvesting Coffee - Cortando Café

Artist:  Karlyn
Medium: Marker – Marcador
Age: 17
Instituto Nacional Diversificado INED
City: San Jose

About the Artwork

This is the coffee harvest in which all family members can work. This harvest represents cooperative work for the whole family. It also gives us some financial support.

Este es el corte del café donde todos integrantes de las familias pueden trabajar. Este trabajo de la cosecha de café representa trabajo cooperativo afectivo y de beneficio para la toda la familia, sobretodo por el aporte económico que nos brinda.

We are a united family. I have 4 sisters and we like to spend time with other people. I read and go out with my family. To help conserve the environment, I plant trees and transplant fruit trees. When I grow up, I would like to graduate and work with kindergarten kids, and later go to college.

Somos una familia muy unida. Tengo 4 hermanas y nos gusta compartir con otras personas. Leo y salgo con mi familia. Siembro árboles y transplanto árboles frutales. Cuando grande deseo ser, quiero graduarme y trabajar con niños de nivel preprimario para luego seguir a la universidad.

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