This is a photo of students from the Lycee Moderne De Dakar School in Dakar, Senegal. Senegal is a country located in western Africa. Dakar is the capital city of Senegal, and is located at the westernmost tip of the country. The US Department of State’s website describes the geography of Senegal as being, “…bounded by the Atlantic Ocean, Mauritania, Mali, Guinea, and Guinea-Bissau. [Noting]The Gambia penetrates more than 320 kilometers (200 mi.) into Senegal.”
An article in the New York Times dated 2.24.12 reported, “Senegal, long one of Africa’s most stable and admired countries, is embroiled in a miasma of political, economic and social problems as unmistakable as the fine dust that blows in from the Sahara every winter. From the air, Dakar, the capital, looks like a metropolis on the move…but on the ground, the picture shifts…Senegal’s political class is in seemingly permanent crisis. At the center of the storm is President Abdoulaye Wade, whose refusal to give up power despite advancing age and legal limits have turned the streets of Dakar, the seaside capital, into chaos.”
This situation is affecting some of the schools in the capital city of Dakar, which have been forced to close during these turbulent times. Our partner teacher in Senegal was recently able to bring some of her students together to continue their ArtLink program. This picture shows her students holding up the art work from their partner class from the Madero Middle School in Chicago, IL USA.