Feeding of Fishes

Artist: Emils
Age: 8
School: Baldone Art School
City: Baldone
Country: Latvia

Feeding of Fishes

Artist: Emils
Age: 8
School: Baldone Art School
City: Baldone
Country: Latvia

About the Artwork

In my scene I am feeding my fish in the aquarium. My cat is helping me and my rat Merlin is assisting my cat. I chose this scene because feeding the fish is one of my duties. I feed them two times a day.

We are all artists in my family. I have my parents and a brother Martin who is 10 years older than I. I like Christmas, to meet friends and to play with them. I dislike cigarette smoke. In my freetime I ride my bicycle, play with Legos and learn french. When I grow up, I would like to be a millionaire or an architect.

Time of day: 4.05 PM

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