Man On The Moon

Artist: Viviana
Age: 17
Francis Parker School
City: San Diego
Country: USA

Man On The Moon

Artist: Viviana
Age: 17
Francis Parker School
City: San Diego
Country: USA

About the Artwork

Medium: colored pencil

My picture is of astronauts playing football, an American sport, on the moon. America was the first country to go to the moon. I made various pictures of different ideas that I had, but I chose this one because when I was little I always wanted to go to the moon.

I have a family of five with a brother and sister who are both younger than me. I am a total athlete. I play soccer, basketball, volleyball, cheer and lacrosse. In my free time I go shopping with my friends, hang out with my neighbors, go to the beach or watch a movie. I hope to go to college and then either become an interior designer, architect or a doctor.

Window into history

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