Library Life

Artist: Ethan
Medium: Pencil, color pencil
Age: 12
North Branford Intermediate School
City: North Branford
Country: USA

Library Life

Artist: Ethan
Medium: Pencil, color pencil
Age: 12
North Branford Intermediate School
City: North Branford
Country: USA

About the Artwork

I’m illustrating the suburban community of North Branford. Some parts of North Branford are very rural, especially the farm areas of Northford. The library is the place I go to often, so I illustrated myself volunteering there. I am checking out a woman’s book while younger children play around and enjoy themselves in the background.

Featured: The moment I am sharing is my idea about desert life and culture.

I am the youngest of a four person, partially Italian family. My sister is a ninth grader in high school and two years older than me. My mom is a 8th grade teacher in my school. And my dad owns an online business. I enjoy reading, drawing, video games. I’m not into sports but I play fencing. I want to become a video game designer.

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