Fun at the Saco

Artist: Alexis
Medium: markers, paints
Age: 12
North Branford Intermediate School
City: North Branford
Country: USA

Fun at the Saco

Artist: Alexis
Medium: markers, paints
Age: 12
North Branford Intermediate School
City: North Branford
Country: USA

About the Artwork

In my artwork, I illustrated a segment of the Saco River in New Hampshire that my family and I go to every summer when we visit. New Hampshire is much like Northford in many ways. I drew locals and visitors all sharing one place and having a good time. You can see people swimming, tubing, and relaxing. I am showing the value of spending time with my family because it is a yearly vacation we take together.

Featured: The moment I am sharing is my idea about desert life and culture.

I have five other members in my family. My mother Melissa and my dad Rasean. I have three younger siblings as well. In my free time I like to participate in the arts, like dance and theater. I like to spend time outside with my friends, and reading, pumpkin bread, and shopping. I dislike hot weather, and country music.

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