2002 - Illuminate! Bringing My Culture to Light

In the dictionary, some of the definitions of “illuminate” include, “To provide or brighten with light, to make understandable, to clarify.” Light can reveal many fascinating aspects of one’s culture. Participating students were asked to highlight, using a source of illumination, an aspect of their culture which they felt was worth sharing with their partners. It could be something that was unique or special to their culture or something that happened every day. It could be something they were proud of or something in their society that they were concerned about.

Whatever the artist chose, we asked that each piece of art contain a source of light such as the sun, moon, stars, fire, candle, light bulb (and other light fixtures), fireworks, flashlight, TV/computer screen, fireflies, theatrical spotlights, sports floodlights, etc. We encouraged the students to be creative!

To view the artwork please scroll down and select a country.

Art Partners of the Year

International Partners of the Year: The Baldone Art School, Latvia
US Partner of the Year: The Fax Lane Middle School, Bedford, New York

Creative Connections’ first annual “Art Partners of the Year” honors were awarded to The Baldone Art School in Baldone, Latvia and The Fax Lane Middle School, Bedford, New York. Both schools contributed a collection of art that was particularly well crafted, thoughtful, and delightful.

Special VSA/CC Exhibit

Welcome to the special VSA arts/Creative Connections exhibit of “Illuminate! Bringing My Culture to Light” produced by children with disabilities from Peru, St. Lucia, South Africa, The United Arab Emirates, and Washington, DC.

Art in this exhibit was taken from a special ArtLink exchange between students from mainstream to special education classrooms working with VSA arts affiliates in these countries. The young artists had the opportunity to explore ideas in an environment where diverse learning needs, styles, and cultural backgrounds were nurtured and respected.

VSA arts and Creative Connections share the belief that international exchange between classrooms is a creative and engaging way of achieving educational goals, as much as it is an adventure in cross-cultural diversity. ArtLink is also a tool for making classroom settings more inclusive, especially for children with disabilities.

VSA arts is an international nonprofit organization founded in 1974 by Jean Kennedy Smith to promote education and lifelong learning opportunities in the arts for people with disabilities. More than six million people participate in VSA arts programs annually through a worldwide network of affiliate organizations. VSA arts programs in music, dance, drama, creative writing, and the visual arts develop learning skills, encourage independence, and promote access and inclusion.

To learn more about VSA arts, go to www.vsarts.org

Participating Countries

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