Yard Sales in the USA

Artist: Katlyn Age: 9 School: Madison Street School Country: USA In my window scene, two people are at a yard sale. The child is looking at an hourglass. In the background, there is a house, two trees, and someone flying a kite out a window. I chose this scene because it really shows how we […]

World of Whales

Artist: Shayna Age: 10 School: Columbus Magnet School Country: USA Someone is looking out a window of a boat. I chose this scene because I love whales. My mom and dad are usually at work. I love art and scooters, and I hate paper cuts. I spend my free time paying with my friends. I […]

Windy Day

Artist: Lauren Age: 10 School: The Long Ridge School Country: USA I am windsurfing in the bay on a nice, windy day. I chose this scene because I love to windsurf. I have one sister named Arden. I also have a mom named Sally and a dad named Craig. I like to ride horses and […]

The Road to Bethlehem

Artist: Lindsay Age: 11 School: Madison Street School Country: USA People are acting out the Christmas story. Mary is singing a song. I chose this scene because I enjoy being in the Christmas programs at church. Besides my mom and dad, I have a brother and a dog. I like dancing, acting, and singing. I […]

The Glacier

Artist: Evan Age: 12 School: Wooster School Country: USA We are looking through a gold frame at a glacier out West in the United States. There is a big gray cliff with rocks, and a man is standing on the cliff. I like music, mainly rap and heavy metal. For food, I like pasta, bread, […]

The Carrot Crop

Artist: Allysson Age: 8 School: Madison Street School Country: USA In my window scene, there is a garden. My grandpa is pulling carrots. There are many things in his garden. I chose this scene because I love carrots, and I love my grandpa. In my family, there is my mom, my dad, and me. I […]

The 4th of July

Artist: Emma Age: 11 School: Wooster School Country: USA The Fourth of July is a holiday in the United States that celebrates our freedom from Britain. You can see fireworks and our flag. There are 4 people in my family: my sister, my mom, my dad, and I. I like playing games, reading, and a […]


Artist: Caitlin Age: 12 School: Naubuc School Country: USA In my scene, the sun is setting in York Beach, ME. A big wave is breaking as the sun gets lower and lower. The water is deep and beautiful as more waves form. Seagulls are flying towards the sun. I chose this scene because Main is […]

Sunny Days

Artist: Kaitlin Age: 12 School: Rippowam Magnet Middle School Country: USA In the scene of my artwork, many cheery events are occurring. A girl with braided pigtails is flying a kite, and a beagle is following her. Two boys are eating ice cream under a tree. Another little boy is playing with marbles. The weather […]

Summertime Barbeque

Artist: Rachel Age: 12 School: Academy School Country: USA A neighborhood barbeque is occurring. There are hamburgers on the grill, and food is set out on the picnic table. The mothers are talking while the children are breaking open a pinata. This is an occasion I look forward to. My family are my mom, dad, […]

Squirrel in the Eye of the Camera

Artist: Emily Age: 12 School: Maple Street School Country: USA In my window, I am looking through a camera, and a squirrel has come up and put his paws on the camera and is looking in. I chose this scene because when my mom and dad were in Alaska, there were tamed squirrels, and one […]


Artist: Maria Age: 10 School: Wolfpit Elementary School Country: USA On the left-hand side, I am riding my scooter. It has handlebars and looks like a skateboard on the bottom. On foot is on the skateboard part, and you pump with the other. On the right-hand side, I am playing basketball. You take a ball […]