Winter 2022


Annual Appeal

Dear Friends,

I am proud that we are celebrating 30 years! Through the exchange of art and dialogue, we continue to connect thousands of students and teachers from the USA with their peers in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Europe, replacing ignorance and indifference with cross-cultural awareness, appreciation, and empathy.

Scroll down to enjoy our new 30 years of connecting video – and to learn about our latest programming and funding initiatives.

Holidays also are gift-giving times. May I ask that you consider making an Annual Fund gift to Creative Connections? You help enable us to give the students we serve around the world a true measure of “Peace on Earth” through global understanding.

With warm gratitude,

Alan Steckler

Founder & President


Global Get Together

Virtual Ugandan Workshops - Abantu Mu Buntu

On October 23rd, our Board of Directors, donors, and friends got to meet and engage with the talented students at Tender Talents Theatre in Uganda through a virtual exchange at Vanish Media Systems in Westport, Connecticut.

The event began with introductions and a video made by the school, then led into heartwarming performances by the students. Attendees addressed how special it was to watch the performance video and then see, converse with, and dance with the Tender Talents student performers in real time. The photo above captures the joy & spirit of our conversations with the students.  

” We loved the event you put on… Experiencing a different culture, and doing it with the interesting people who came here on Sunday, was fantastic. Thank you for putting this all together, and making it such a success. ”  Guest 

‘Abuntu Mu Buntu’, our Ugandan workshop, is a fun and inviting way to bridge the gap between cultural differences. Read more about it by clicking the button below.

October 23 Event


Program Updates

ArtLink News

We are excited to share about a new initiative in our ArtLink Programs, ‘TeachersConnect’.  An opportunity for partner teachers to be introduced to one another before the program begins. Teachers meet and discuss relevant information about themselves, their students, and their cultures. They meet via virtual exchange, in an Interactive Video Conference (IVC) facilitated by a member of the Creative Connections’ program team.

The ArtLink program is now offered in 2 Cycles, fall and winter! We’re happy to report on ArtLink Cycle 1, that all student artwork has been submitted from 15 participating countries. There is still time to apply for Cycle 2 starting in January 2023, including our RainForest ArtLink program. And we welcome Rita Lo to our team as the Taiwan Program Facilitator.

Team members attend 'Advanced Facilitation Training'

Soliya is an industry leader in Virtual Exchange: high-impact inter- and cross-cultural education facilitated through digital technology.

Three of our program facilitators including Alan Steckler, Founder & President, attended the five-week Advanced Facilitation Training at Soliya “enabling constructive online engagement and learning amongst peers worldwide.”

Soliya’s trainings “instill crucial 21st century skills necessary to thrive in a globalized virtual workforce”

“Working and meeting with educators from all over the Middle East and the USA in the Advanced Facilitation Training has been an energizing and insightful experience.” – Alan Steckler



We are thrilled to share this good news!

And we are honored and grateful to have been awarded significant grants from Connecticut Office of the Arts,  National Endowment of the Arts and The Cornelia Bailey Foundation in partnership with Stepping Stones Museum for Children.

We are also happy to report the 2022 Sponsorship Campaign has been a success! And there is still time to sponsor an ArtLink class in Cycle 2 beginning in January 2023. We appreciate all your support.

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