On Thursday, April 17th we were very fortunate to have a visit from two very important people, Senator Chris Murphy and Norwalk Mayor Harry Rilling. They were very interested in our work here at Creative Connections and in particular looking through our extensive art archive, which houses over 3000 original pieces of art from over 50 countries collected over the past 22 years. Polly Loughran, Program Director, is explaining the value and the joy of using art as a common language for students around the world to share their cultures.
We were honored to have these VIP’s visit and we were thrilled by their interest in our mission, our programs and our art collection.
Here is a link to the article which appeared on Friday 4.18.14 in the Norwalk Hour Newspaper and online: http://www.thehour.com/news/norwalk/sen-murphy-early-education-a-must/article_748c37a2-5fba-5b89-87d1-5bfc357e4310.html