Summer Scavenger Hunt Submission Form

  • Combine these three things found in the scavenger hunt (the animal, the sport, and the food) as inspiration for one brand new piece of art made by YOU!
  • Example: if your answers were Cat, Tennis, and Tomato, maybe you would draw…a cat, playing tennis, and the ball is a tomato! Nothing’s too silly — have fun with it!
  • For contact if your piece is selected. Your email address will not be shared with anyone else.
  • (Such as markers, paints, crayons etc.)
  • Max. file size: 300 MB.
  • Each art piece should be scanned or photographed and uploaded, and it should be accompanied by a completed submission form.
  • If you have any questions, please email us at

  • IMPORTANT NOTE: The pieces (and all submissions) we receive and select become the property of Creative Connections.
  • We may use these art pieces for a range of educational purposes and for public relations purposes. We may also use reproductions of the pieces to share with art educators and young artists around the world and in other ways to support our mission of providing cultural education programs to the world’s children in the years ahead.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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