"You Are Not Alone" 私がそばにいるよ Baseball

Artist: Matt
Age: 12
Albert Leonard Middle School
City: New Rochelle
Country: USA

"You Are Not Alone" 私がそばにいるよ Baseball

Artist: Matt
Age: 12
Albert Leonard Middle School
City: New Rochelle
Country: USA

About the Artwork

We are playing baseball. Someone is hitting the ball during a game in a baseball field.
Baseball is popular in the U.S.A and in the Dominican Republic.

Medium: Colored Pencil

My dad is from the Dominican Republic. My grandmas and grandpas are also from D.R. I have four brothers.
I like to be active and go outside and play with my friends and brothers like sports.
I like lasagna, rice, beans, and pizza. I don’t like brussel sprouts.
I want to become a major league baseball player.

Special Notes:
I hope that your family has survived this horrible tragedy. I can feel your pain in my heart and I have also had losses in my life. I write this note to you to tell you that not only am I here for you, our whole country is here for you.

Yours truly,
Matt Almonte

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