The Kites of My Town - Los barriletes de mi pueblo

Artist: Silvia
Age: 17
City: Melchor de Mencos
Country: Guatemala

The Kites of My Town - Los barriletes de mi pueblo

Artist: Silvia
Age: 17
City: Melchor de Mencos
Country: Guatemala

About the Artwork

My piece shows a boy flying a kite. In October and November it is our tradition to fly kites because we believe they send messages to our ancestors. I am depicting the values of our traditions, culture, and spiritual beliefs. It is important to remember our identity and ancestors.

There are seven in my family: four brothers, my parents, and I. We are Christians except for my dad. I like to play soccer, listen to music, practice the flute, and study in my free time. My goal is to work with children who have mental health or physical issues. To preserve the environment we plant trees and a garden at school, and I am part of my community “cleaning train.”

Medium: Colored Pencil
Source of Light: Sun


Mi pieza de arte muestra a un niño jugando barrilete en los meses de Octubre y Noviembre. La tradición dice que los barriletes son mensajes a nuestros ancestros que ya murieron.

Somos una familia de 7 mi mamá y mi papá, 4 hermanos y yo la única mujer, todos somos cristianos. Me gusta jugar futbol, tocar la flauta, escuchar música. Me gustar;ia trabajar con niños especiales o con discapacidades fisicas. Me gusta plantar arboles y la jardinización escolar.

Medium: Colores
Source of Light: El sol

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