Thanksgiving in NYC

Artist: Molly
Age: 12
Roton Middle School
City: Norwalk
Country: USA

Thanksgiving in NYC

Artist: Molly
Age: 12
Roton Middle School
City: Norwalk
Country: USA

About the Artwork


Medium: Colored pencil

In this scene it is Thanksgiving Day. My dad and my siblings and I drive into Manhattan to watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. We bring ladders so that we can see over the crowd of people. It is the day that we give thanks and celebrate the feast of the Pilgrims and Native Americans. I really enjoy this day.

I live with my mom, dad, and four siblings. Their names are Charlotte, Jane, Sarah, and Pete. I like lacrosse, reading, and the color blue. I dislike math and rainy days. I spend my free time reading, ice skating, and drawing. When I grow up I hope to write a book.

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