
Artist: Mavi
Medium: Markers
Age: 11


Artist: Mavi
Medium: Markers
Age: 11

About the Artwork

What is going on in your piece:
The health professionals “putting a happy face” even though they are risking their lives and their families health to help everyone. My best friend’s mom is a nurse, Liza, and she always has a smile and her face and never makes a big deal of her working in the front lines, in the Covid-19 testing sites.

How are you feeling during this time?
Worried and missing my friends at school and my other activities. But very thankful that my family is ok and thankful for all the people in the front lines doing their best to help us go through this difficult time.

Other thoughts you would like to share with students from around the world:
Please stay safe and try to cooperate as much as you can and we will get through this together. By staying safe we help each other and the people that risk their lives for us to stay home safe.

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