Saturday Baking

Artist: Kamil
Age: 9
Jefferson Magnet School
City: Norwalk
Country: USA

Saturday Baking

Artist: Kamil
Age: 9
Jefferson Magnet School
City: Norwalk
Country: USA

About the Artwork

In my picture, I am in the kitchen making a pizza on Saturday. My sister and I bake or make any kind of food to eat. We always make food on our own. It teaches me how to cook on my own.

I’m the girl with only black hair.

My mom and dad are always teaching me things I need to know. They are always looking out for me. In my free time, I read books, play video games, play on my computer, or play outside. I like when my friends and I play together. I dislike when my friends fight. when I grow up, I want to be a singer/actress.

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