The lonely moon is illuminating my dad and uncle. They carry ingredients to my mom and aunt, who are cooking a meal for about 90 people in a well-fueled bonfire. The 7-year-old chases a horrified hen for no reason whatsoever. A 3-year-old is scared of the hen. I’m by the blue house releasing some fireflies. I’m showing the value of families working together because a family celebration is very rare.
My family, like many Bangladeshi families, is large and detailed. Well, it should be because my mom has 15 siblings and my dad has 30. In my free time, I feel bored and complicated so I draw and doodle. When I grow up, I want to become a journalist or a writer, whichever comes first. To help the environment I garden and volunteer.
Medium: Pastel, colored pencil
Source of Light: Stars, moon, fire, fireflies