Potato Direction

Artist: Emilija
Age: 11
Baldone Art School
City: Riga
Country: Latvia

Potato Direction

Artist: Emilija
Age: 11
Baldone Art School
City: Riga
Country: Latvia

About the Artwork

On the windowsill are boiled potatoes ready for a meal. Out of the window people are taking potatoes. In the background is a tractor which is harvesting. It is autumn in this picture, which is when people harvest potatoes. I like to eat potatoes very much.

Featured food(s) There are potatoes in the red bowl.

I have two brothers and two sisters. My sisters names are Luize and Annija. My brothers names are Davis and Gatis. I am a dancer. I have been dancing for about five years. Sometimes I go with my mom to the swimming pool. I dislike mushrooms and fish. I love the British and Irish boy band One Direction. I also like to eat and sleep. I want to be a pop singer or designer when I grow up.

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