My Rats and I near the Sea

Artist: Emils
Age: 10
Baldone Art School
Country: Latvia

My Rats and I near the Sea

Artist: Emils
Age: 10
Baldone Art School
Country: Latvia

About the Artwork

“There are I and my rats near the sea. I make a castle for my rats, they are happy about it, the had some apple. I like to be near the sea with my animals. Sometimes I take rats some time dogs, sometimes my cat near the sea.”

“We are five in our family I, my brother Martin, parents and my grandma. I like to swim to play basketball, to watch theatre play, films. In my free time I write a story, “Swardsland”, draw, model, make swords and arrows. I would like to be an architect, I would like to see America, Greece.”

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