My Dog and I

Artist: Emmet
Age: 12
Roton Middle School
City: Norwalk
Country: USA

My Dog and I

Artist: Emmet
Age: 12
Roton Middle School
City: Norwalk
Country: USA

About the Artwork

I am in our living room on the couch, reading my favorite book, Inheritance, by Christopher Paolini, with my dog Snoopy sleeping next to me. I like to read every day. I am depicting the values of literature and pets and their importance to me.

I live with my mom, dad, big sister, and little sister. I have two pets – Snoopy the dog and Rocky Balboa the fish. I like to play soccer, draw, paint, and walk my dog in my free time. I want to be cosmologist or an artist when I grow up. I ride my bike to cut down on carbon dioxide, and I garden with my dad to preserve the environment.

Medium: Colored pencil
Source of Light: The lamp and ceiling fan light

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