Lake Peten Itza

Artist: Marlin
Age: 11
El Remate, Flores Peten
Country: Guatemala

Lake Peten Itza

Artist: Marlin
Age: 11
El Remate, Flores Peten
Country: Guatemala

About the Artwork

Medium: paint

The water is tranquil. In the drawing, you can see where the water is being contaminated and how the people are careless about it. I chose this scene because I like the mountains, the lake, the sun, and to watch people swimming and getting water from the lake. I am interested in not contaminating the water because without it we would not be able to live.

I have incorporated it with the lake.

My family is Oswaldo Hernandez Perez and Ana Elicia Hernandez Sibrion.I study, and sometimes I play with my siblings and friends.I like to draw a lot, and I do not like dancing. I want to be a professional artist.

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