La Mercé

Artist: Sofía
Medium: Colored pencil
Age: 11
Escoles Perez Iborra
City: Barcelona
Country: Spain

La Mercé

Artist: Sofía
Medium: Colored pencil
Age: 11
Escoles Perez Iborra
City: Barcelona
Country: Spain

About the Artwork

The moment I am sharing is when we see the giants and the band. I am explaining the tradition of Spain on the 24th of September when we celebrate “La Mercé” in Barcelona.

Featured: The moment I am sharing is my idea about desert life and culture.

My family is very big. I have family in Brazil and Argentina. In my free time I like to play with my friends and I like to play guitar. My likes are that I am curious and fun. My dislikes are that sometimes I’m a nervous person. I want to be a cinema director when I grow up.

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