Jordan Bikers

Artist: Leen
Age: 13
Ahliyyah School for Girls
City: Amman
Country: Jordan

Jordan Bikers

Artist: Leen
Age: 13
Ahliyyah School for Girls
City: Amman
Country: Jordan

About the Artwork

In this scene, we can see a biker team called Jordan Bikers, taking a tour around Jordan. We can see many Amman sights, such as the Dead Sea, the Red Sea and Ma’aeen Bath river. This tradition is found in many talented people. The value I am depicting is the excitement and cooperation of these groups.

I am riding the first bike with my dad.

I have two brothers, one sister, a dog, cat and horse. In my free time, I play basketball, talk with friends, go on facebook and see movies. I like to ride horses and bikes. I dislike studying. I have lots of goals. I want to be an actress, film director or product manager.

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