Helping People - Ayudando a los Demás

Artist: Karina
Medium: Crayons, markers
Age: 9
Ann Street School
City: Newark
Country: USA

Helping People - Ayudando a los Demás

Artist: Karina
Medium: Crayons, markers
Age: 9
Ann Street School
City: Newark
Country: USA

About the Artwork

In my picture, a person is giving an apple to a poor guy. He is outside. They are interacting by looking, talking, and smiling at each other. I am showing the value of caring. It is important to me because by giving people food you can prevent them from dying. -Una persona está dando una manzana a alguien que está en la calle y están interactuando, mirándose, hablando, y sonriendo. El valor de ayudar y dar comida a quien puede morir de hambre.

Featured: The moment I am sharing is my idea about desert life and culture.

My family is really funny and we go to a lot of places. I have a sister, a mom and a dad. I like to read in my free time. I also like to dance. I like making cakes, playing and Math. I dislike English Language Arts, essays and writing. To help preserve the environment I plant flowers, pick up garbage and I recycle. My goals are getting Super Honor Roll and learning how to do a perfect handstand. When I grow up I want to be a professional dancer.-En casa somos muy divertidos y nos gusta salir de paseo. Tengo a mis padres. Me gusta leer y bailar. Me gusta hacer pasteles, jugar y las matemáticas. No me gustan los ensayos y escribir. Para ayudar al medio ambiente, siembro flores, recojo la basura y reciclo. Quiero graduarme con honores y ser una bailarina profesional.

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