Harvesting Coffee - Cosecha de Café

Artist: Irma
Age: 19
Municipalidad de Magisterio de Educación Primaria
City: Santa Ana, Petén
Country: Guatemala

Harvesting Coffee - Cosecha de Café

Artist: Irma
Age: 19
Municipalidad de Magisterio de Educación Primaria
City: Santa Ana, Petén
Country: Guatemala

About the Artwork

In my scene people are harvesting coffee. It is one of the most important products of my country. The indigenous people are hard workers. I am showing the value of responsibility, because it is important in any situation we face, such as work, education, and our communities.

I have four sisters and four brothers. We are very united. I like to read, listen to music, study, draw, and paint in my spare time. I want to become an elementary school teacher and keep studying to be a lawyer. To help the environment, I do not litter, waste water, or cut trees.

Medium: Paint
Source of Light: Sun


Están trabajando en el corte de café, ya que es la cosecha sobresaliente en Guatemala. Los indígenas son muy trabajadores

Mi familia es muy unida somos 4 hermanos y 4 hermanas. Me gusta leer, escuchar música, estudiar, hacer dibujos, pintar. Quiero ser maestra de educación primaria. No tiro basura en las calles, ahorro el agua y no destruyo los árboles.

Medium: Mixto
Source of Light: El sol

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