Fried Fish and Vegetables - Pescado frito y verduras

Artist: Boris Alexander
Age: 9
EORM El Porvenir
City: Melchor de Mencos
Country: Guatemala

Fried Fish and Vegetables - Pescado frito y verduras

Artist: Boris Alexander
Age: 9
EORM El Porvenir
City: Melchor de Mencos
Country: Guatemala

About the Artwork

We are having lunch. My depicted value is the value of having food to eat because without it, we would die.

Featured food(s) Food, drinks, vegetables

I have 3 siblings, I play in my free time. I want to be a teacher. I work at the fields to help my family.


Estamos almorzando en casa. Mi valor, es el valor de la comida, sin ella no viviríamos.

Featured food(s) Comoda, refresco y verduras

Tengo 3 hermanos, en mi tiempo libre, juego y deseo ser un maestro. Para ayudar al medio ambiente ayudo a chapear las milpa.

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