Firework - Fuegos Artificiales

Artist: Madeline
Medium: Mixed
Age: 10
Farmingville Elementary School
City: Ridgefield
Country: USA

Firework - Fuegos Artificiales

Artist: Madeline
Medium: Mixed
Age: 10
Farmingville Elementary School
City: Ridgefield
Country: USA

About the Artwork

In my moment, we are at the lake with my whole family and two of my friends. It is the fourth of July and we are jumping off a dock. There are fireworks in the background. What I also represent is friendship and honoring my country. Estoy en el lago con toda mi familia y dos amigos. Es el día cuatro de Julio y estamos saltando de un puente. Hay fuegos artificiales en la parte de atrás. Represento También El valor de la amistad y honrar al pais de uno

Featured: The moment I am sharing is my idea about desert life and culture.

I live with my mom Meredith, my dad Reed, and my eight year old sister Lucy. I do gymnastics and diving, and enjoy playing the violin. I like being active and helping the environment, and do not like playing video games. In the future, I want to be a teacher. To help the environment, last year I went to the lake to pick up the garbage. Vivo con mi mamá Meredith, mi papá Reed, y mi hermana de 8 años Lucy.Hago gimnasia y clavados. Me gusta tocar el violin Me gusta ser activa y cuidar el medio ambiente, no me gustan los video juegos En el futuro, Maestro Para ayudar al medio ambiente, Voy al lago a recoger la basura.

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