In my moment, we are at the lake with my whole family and two of my friends. It is the fourth of July and we are jumping off a dock. There are fireworks in the background. What I also represent is friendship and honoring my country. Estoy en el lago con toda mi familia y dos amigos. Es el día cuatro de Julio y estamos saltando de un puente. Hay fuegos artificiales en la parte de atrás. Represento También El valor de la amistad y honrar al pais de uno
Featured: The moment I am sharing is my idea about desert life and culture.
I live with my mom Meredith, my dad Reed, and my eight year old sister Lucy. I do gymnastics and diving, and enjoy playing the violin. I like being active and helping the environment, and do not like playing video games. In the future, I want to be a teacher. To help the environment, last year I went to the lake to pick up the garbage. Vivo con mi mamá Meredith, mi papá Reed, y mi hermana de 8 años Lucy.Hago gimnasia y clavados. Me gusta tocar el violin Me gusta ser activa y cuidar el medio ambiente, no me gustan los video juegos En el futuro, Maestro Para ayudar al medio ambiente, Voy al lago a recoger la basura.