Family Team Work - Trabajo en Equipo con mi Familia

Artist: Charlotte
Medium: Colored pencils, markers
Age: 11
Ann Street School
City: Newark
Country: USA

Family Team Work - Trabajo en Equipo con mi Familia

Artist: Charlotte
Medium: Colored pencils, markers
Age: 11
Ann Street School
City: Newark
Country: USA

About the Artwork

In this picture I am with my family in the house that we are rebuilding together for a homeless man. I value how my family works together to make something to help someone.-Estoy con mi familia remodelando la casa para un señor que no tiene hogar. El valor del trabajo en equipo y en familia es algo importante.

Featured: The moment I am sharing is my idea about desert life and culture.

My family wants to make the world a better place to live in and we also stand up for each other. In my free time I go in my backyard and look up at the stars in the night. I like green and red apples. I dislike tomatoes. To help preserve the environment I tell my family to ride bikes instead of driving the car. I also tell my family to turn off the lights when they are leaving home or going to a different room. My goals are to become a better student and go on trips more than one time. When I grow up I want to be a teacher and a doctor for kids 1 year old up to 14 years old.-Nosotros queremos hacer del mundo un lugar mejor para todos. Me gusta ir al patio y ver las estrellas en la noche. Me gustan las manzanas. No me gustan los tomates. Para ayudar al medio ambiente, yo el digo a mi familia que montemos bicicleta en vez de utilizar el carro y apago las luces cuando no se necesitan. Quiero ser buen estudiante, maestro y doctor para niños de 1 a 14 años.

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