Evolution of ...

Artist: Kanisha
Age: 13
Kershaw IB Magnet
City: Chicago
Country: USA

Evolution of ...

Artist: Kanisha
Age: 13
Kershaw IB Magnet
City: Chicago
Country: USA

About the Artwork

My piece shows the evolution of man, the past and future for blacks. The evolution of word and the world. This piece is on how change is relevant in many families; people grow to become adults, to change the world for good or bad. The values I am depicting are important to me: freedom, self-improvement, and natural resources.

Unique and “well-known.” Phipps name goes on to so many generations. In my free time I skateboard, play basketball, ride my bike, play my XBox 360, make hip-hop. I want to be a basketball player or orthopedic surgeon when I grow up. To help preserve the environment I recycle my clothes to make better clothes.

Medium: Watercolor pencil
Source of Light: The world/globe

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