Cooking in the Kitchen

Artist: Evelyn
Medium: Mixed
Age: 15

Cooking in the Kitchen

Artist: Evelyn
Medium: Mixed
Age: 15

About the Artwork

My mother, brother, and I are in our kitchen. My mother is teaching us how to make pupusas, which are meat and cheese filled and cooked in masa. They are the national food of El Salvador. Family togetherness, cooking, and food are my values.

Having fresh food and produce helps make cooking better and easier. Revitalizing natural land and restoring it can help preserve the environment.

My parents work very hard and appreciate everything. My younger brother loves food and beauty, but he is stubborn at times. I like to draw, listen to rock, write stories, and play guitar. I like art, food, music, and creating things. I also like to learn. I don’t like crowds, bugs, or anything orange. I want to get a scholarship for Yale, Harvard, or Stanford and become a pediatric neurologist.

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